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Agency Owner Recommends AARP Driver Safety Course

Recently, Tod Aronson, owner of E. R. Munro and Company in Pittsburgh, and his wife Connie, decided to attend a driver safety course through AARP.

“I don’t know why we didn’t do this before,” said Tod Aronson. “It was well worth our time.”

It’s been a few decades since the Aronsons first received their driver’s licenses. Since then, vehicles have changed considerably and so have driving conditions.

Even the most experienced drivers can benefit from brushing up on their driving skills. The AARP Smart Driver Course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, teaches defensive driving techniques and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s challenging environment.

Other key safety factors taught in the course include:

  • How to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots
  • How to maintain the proper following distance behind another car (and it’s not what you have always been told!)
  • Ways to safely change lanes and make turns at busy intersections
  • Proper use of seat belts, air bags, antilock brakes and new technology found in vehicles today
  • The importance of eliminating distractions such as eating, smoking and using a cellphone while driving

Over 15 million participants have gone through AARP Driver Safety classroom and online courses. AARP membership is not required to take the course and there are no tests to pass.

The classroom course costs only $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Cost for the online course is $17.95 for members and $21.95 for non-members.

In addition to the knowledge you’ll receive from taking the course, you may also be eligible to receive an insurance discount (in Pennsylvania, it is mandated by state law) upon completing the course. Contact your insurance agent for details.

Visit for course times, dates and locations of classroom courses. You can also call 1-888-227-7669 for information. To register for the online course, visit