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Tax Preparers Need to Protect Themselves

It’s that stressful time of year for taxpayers and tax preparers. Sometimes, taxpayers wait until the last minute to take their receipts and paperwork to their local tax preparer. When that happens, innocent mistakes can occur. That’s why it’s important for tax preparers to protect themselves with Tax Preparers’ Professional Liability coverage.

Tax Preparers’ Professional Liability covers claims against you and your clients up to the policy limit. It protects you against errors and omissions and covers both full-time and part-time employees, even if they only work during tax season.

Even if you do everything that is required by the Internal Revenue Service, you could still face legal action. And the legal fees can add up quickly when you are trying to defend yourself and your clients.

Contact E. R. Munro and Company at 1-877-376-8676 for more information on Tax Preparers’ Liability coverage. Or visit our Web site at It’s not too late to protect yourself and your clients for this tax season.