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What if that meteorite had exploded over the U.S.?

The sonic boom from last week’s meteorite that exploded over Russia injured 1,100 people and damaged 3,000 buildings. So here’s a what if?  What if that meteorite had exploded over the United States? Would damage to homes be covered under a homeowners  insurance policy?

Although the words “sonic boom” or “meteorite” do not  appear in any standard homeowners policy, homeowners would be covered for damage to their homes or buildings under most policies.

Of course, some cheaper insurance policies with a “named peril” contract would not cover damage caused by something like a meteorite or other extraordinary occurrence.

The particular meteor that caused so much damage in Russia was estimated to be about 10 tons and 49 feet wide. When it entered Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of at least 33,000 miles per hour, it shattered into pieces (meteorites)  about 18 to 32 miles above the ground, releasing several kilotons of energy. The shock wave blew in more than 1 million square feet of glass.

If it could happen in Russia, it could happen here in the United States. If you have cheap insurance, you may not be covered for any damage that ensues.

And that is something to really think about.

For more information on homeowners insurance, contact E. R. Munro and Company at 877-376-8676 or visit our Web site at