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Remove Out of Date Registration Stickers if Traveling Out of PA

Pennsylvania drivers with those expired registration stickers have two choices – remove them from your vehicle or make sure you are prepared just in case you get pulled over out of state. Politicians and law enforcement agencies from across the Keystone State have taken to social media to alert Pennsylvania drivers that there’s a chance those expired stickers on your vehicle could lead to officers in other states turning on their sirens.

Back on December 31, 2016, PennDOT stopped issuing vehicle registration stickers as a cost savings measure. PennDOT said the elimination of the stickers results in a savings to taxpayers of $1.1 million per year, and an additional $2 million in mailing costs.

However, local authorities have seen reports of drivers getting pulled over for expired stickers when traveling in other states.

“Pennsylvania drivers are encouraged to remove expired registration stickers from their license plates to avoid being pulled over by out-of-state police officers.”

PA State Police encourage residents who are pulled over to explain the change to the officer and show him or her registration paperwork, which should be in vehicles at all times.

Drivers can choose to remove their old stickers if they like, but it is not mandatory.

PennDOT said it has notified other jurisdictions of the elimination of registration stickers.