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Potential Fire Risks in Your Home – Part 3

We’ve covered the main sources of most house fires, but there are additional steps you can take to further protect your home from hazards you may not have considered until now.

Other home fire hazards

Trash, old papers and dense clutter in areas like your garage, basement and attic create the perfect fuel for a fire. Pay close attention to other common, highly-flammable items you may keep in a garage or storage shed, including gasoline, chemicals and gases used for grilling.

Household items, like improperly stored batteries and even glassware sitting in a beam of sunlight, can generate enough heat to ignite a fire. Of course, you don’t want to forget about the dangers of candles either, especially during the holidays. Candles are particularly easy to knock over or bump into, posing additional risks.

General home fire safety tips

  1. Do NOT leave burning candles unattended.
  2. Avoid leaving piles of lawn clippings in your yard.
  3. Clear clutter from garage, basement and attic spaces.
  4. Safely store important papers and get rid of the rest.
  5. Discard unwanted materials, debris and trash in the proper receptacles.
  6. Store glassware away from direct sunlight.
  7. Store unused batteries in their original packaging and recycle them appropriately after use.
  8. Keep flammable liquids in tightly-sealed metal containers and away from heat sources.
  9. Place outdoor cooking equipment at least 10 feet away from structures, trees or overhangs.
  10. At least twice a year, check that all smoke alarms in your home are functioning properly.